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Hillsville Pentecostal Holiness Church
Hillsville Pentecostal Holiness Church

Where to find cancellation notices for HPHC due to inclement weather:
Where to find cancellation notices for HPHC due to inclement weather:
We normally do not cancel church services often due to inclement weather. We do ask that you use your personal judgement as to what is best for you and your family to remain safe.
Cancellation information can be found at the following places:
*Facebook pages: church, outreach center, hphc youth, & Pastors Jeff & Tammy's personal pages.
*HPHC Prayer Chain
*Church calling system (if you are not on the church's calling system, please text Pastor Tammy at 276-233-8769 so she can get you added).
*Text (You can also text Pastor Jeff at 276-233-6971 or Pastor Tammy at 276-233-8769 to ask about services).
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