Hillsville Pentecostal Holiness Church
Hillsville Pentecostal Holiness Church

Doug Goad is our first of many full time Outreach Ministers at HPHC. Doug will be doing a lot of visiting and he will do a fine job. He has a servants heart and God will use Doug in a mighty way. Doug has a love for God and a desire to help us carry out Gods vision and reach the lost. Doug is the first of many Outreach Ministers that will be helping Pastors Jeff & Tammy and this church body elevate to the next level! Please keep Doug, his wife, and their two beautiful daughters in your prayers!
Doug also serves as a deacon on the church board, music director,
& nursing home ministry.
His wife-Kandy serves in the sound booth, heads up the Back 2 School bash, and is involved in chaperoning many of the youth activities.
Doug's Contact information: